Bellwright Stone Deposit
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Bellwright: How to Get More Stone

I know, I know! Why would someone require a guide on how to get more stone in Bellwright? It’s simple, right? Unfortunately, not much of the game is overly straightforward for new players, such as tracking down essential resources for crafting and construction. This guide is meant to simplify life in this medieval world!

Where to Get Stone in Bellwright

As arguably one of the most essential resources, alongside wood and logs, you can find stone in Bellwright by searching around a cliff’s edge, near smaller stone deposits, and the perimeter of dense forest. Occasionally, you may find a small clearing inside a sizeable dense forest that spawns a few pieces of rock or even a small rock node, requiring a pickaxe. Alternatively, I have a lot of luck finding stones on the sides of the road, usually near a stone wall. It’s like they fall off the wall over time, and then I come in like a goblin to scoop some up and claim them as my own.

Related: How to Get Tin in Bellwright

How to Store Stone in Bellwright

There are a few ways to store items in Bellwright, especially resources, as you can’t carry too much with your limited inventory space. You’ll want to construct a Camp Chest early on, and don’t forget to use your Private Stash Chest inside your Personal Shelter. It’s small but can hold quite a few resources until you have better storage solutions for the entire settlement.

If all else fails, queue up a research project that requires stone and toss a bunch into the Local Storage section of the Research Desk.

Why You Need Lots of Stone

While you won’t require stone for many of the game’s item crafting recipes, and that’s not to say you won’t need some whatsoever, but that most of the stone goes toward buildings.

As you expand your settlement, you’ll find that many larger structures require a large amount of stone. It’s like the foundation of your village. As such, you’ll want to invest in workers who can track down more stone and pick any up that you find, so long as you’re not on a quest for something else, like River Reeds!

The Guide Hall will mine rocks until the end of time to help you thrive and survive in Bellwright! We’ll have new guides to help you and your citizens shortly!