Bellwright Windmill
Image via Donkey Crew

Will Bellwright Come to Console? – Answered

You may prefer to game on a console for numerous reasons when a title initially launches on a PC. You may like the comfort of your couch, or full controller support, or perhaps your PC isn’t powerful enough for the latest games. There is no wrong answer. With that in mind, will Bellwright come to console?

Is Bellwright Coming to Consoles?

While developer Donkey Crew may not have much experience bringing its titles to consoles, publisher Snail Games does. Many of their projects launch on other systems. As for Bellwright coming to console, it’s planned. It’s just a matter of when.

Bellwright was only recently released on PC in Early Access. We have plenty of time for the game to develop further, fleshing out its gameplay and ironing out bugs before a console release becomes more probable.

That said, the rumor is that Bellwright will launch on consoles sometime in 2024.

Related: What Are the System Requirements for Bellwright? – Answered

Does Bellwright Have Controller Support?

As of this writing, Bellwright does not have controller support. It requires a mouse and keyboard for all inputs. Some users report that utilizing Steam’s community input mapping feature for patchwork controller support works somewhat. Others, however, find it useless and clunky.

For now, it’s best to play the game with a mouse and keyboard!

How Long is the Bellwright Early Access Period?

Are you ready for this one? I do appreciate the honesty!

According to developer Donkey Crew, Bellwright’s Early Access period lasts at least three years. During this lengthy period, the studio hopes to finish the game, introduce all intended content, and fix any game-breaking issues.

If they do launch on consoles in 2024, it will come as part of the system’s preview program, like on Xbox Series X|S.

The Guide Hall doesn’t mind the occasional Early Access PC release, like Bellwright, but we’re hopeful console players will get their chance! We’ll have guides to help PC and console players, no matter what!