Star Wars Outlaws Empire Base
Image via Ubisoft

Is Star Wars Outlaws Canon? – Answered

Whenever you have a long-running franchise with entire tomes of lore to consider, you’ll have passionate fans who have strong opinions. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but it’s best to step back and enjoy a project like this individually. So, is Star Wars Outlaws canon? Here’s what you should know about the game’s lore and setting!

Is Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws Canon?

Unfortunately, whether Star Wars Outlaws is canon remains up in the air. There are many different opinions regarding the lore of the science-fiction universe. Some feel that the same isn’t canon, that it’s a “fan-made” project. That said, it does connect to the setting’s official lore with iconic locations, characters, factions, equipment, and events.

If Ubisoft’s upcoming game isn’t officially canon, it’s about as close as one can get without stepping over the boundary line. More than likely, however, diehard fans will find fault with the game’s story and lore choices. For most of us, Outlaws will likely wind up as an exciting and time-consuming adventure!

Related: Is Star Wars Outlaws Single Player? – Answered

Where Does Star Wars Outlaws Fit in the Universe?

Despite lacking official canon status, Star Wars Outlaws takes incredible steps to fit in perfectly with the rest of the universe. In fact, the upcoming open-world game will sit comfortably between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

If you’re unfamiliar with either movie, now is the time to catch up. You have a little bit longer until the release date of Star Wars Outlaws, so soak up all that nostalgia and lore while there’s still time!

The Guide Hall intends to explore as much of Star Wars Outlaws as imaginable upon release, and we hope you’ll join us for numerous day-one guides!