Stellaris Moving Ships
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Stellaris: How to Merge Fleets

You don’t want to look weak on the galactic map, do you? To inflict your military might upon the galaxy and conquer neighbors in spacefaring warfare, you must learn how to merge fleets in Stellaris! Here is what you should know, commander!

What Are Fleets?

Fleets form the frontline of your military might in Stellaris. It’s important to always build and maintain at least one large armada to counter any threats to your empire. Not to mention that the size of your fleet counts towards your diplomatic weight in the galactic community.

Keep in mind that the chosen admiral for your fleet will help to boost it’s strength even more. However, the bonuses only apply directly to the ships in the admiral’s fleet. This is why it is important to combine your fleets at certain points to maximize their effectiveness. Here is how to merge your fleets in Stellaris.

How to Merge Fleets

To merge your fleets in Stellaris, start by selecting the main fleet that you want other fleets to merge into. Then, hold down the ‘shift key’ and ‘left-click’ any other fleets that you want to merge. Once you have your selection, click on the merge button. The button is located in the top left corner of the pop-up menu.

Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Your selected fleets will then automatically guide themselves to the main fleet you chose and merge into it.

If your ships don’t merge or look like they are not moving, make sure that your main fleet can handle the added capacity. You can determine this on the right side of the screen in the ship outline section.

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The number just below your fleet’s name is your fleet’s command limit. If the number is maxed out, then you’ll have to increase it by researching technology that specifically increases fleet command limit.

Related: How to Board Cultist Ships in Stellaris

How to Split Fleets

 It’s vital to build and maintain a large fleet early in the game. However, as you expand further and unlock more advanced technology, you may need to split up your fleet to cover other choke points around your borders.

Screenshot by The Guide Hall

To split your fleet, select it and click on the split button. It is located under the stances and fleet commands section on the pop-up menu. This will split your fleet into two evenly distributed fleets. If you’re looking to create smaller response fleets, you can do this as many times as you want.

The Guide Hall has been enjoying getting back into Stellaris. We’ll discover new ways to conquer foes, engage in diplomacy, and trade with other civilizations for upcoming guides!