Drug Dealer Simulator 2 Helicopter
Image via Byterunners

How Many Players Can Play Drug Dealer Simulator 2? – Answered

They say even watching paint dry is fun when friends accompany you. How about building a criminal empire? That must be loads more fun, right? Well, how many players does Drug Dealer Simulator 2 support? Let’s find out more about the game’s cooperative mode!

How Many Players in Drug Dealer Simulator 2?

Currently, Drug Dealer Simulator 2 allows three players in a single game world. One player hosts the game and its world state, tweaking settings to their liking and ensuring the game saves and loads properly for everyone else.

You can use an existing save, too!

When you load your cartel save, a small checkbox underneath your name and alias says “Allow Joining.” You want to check that box before selecting “Continue.”

Then, once you’re in-game, you can invite your friends by opening the menu with “ESC” and then using the friends list on the HUD’s right-hand side. It draws from your Steam friend’s list.

Related: How to Increase Substance Storage in Drug Dealer Simulator 2

How is Co-op in Drug Dealer Simulator 2?

Many within the Steam Discussions board for Drug Dealer Simulator 2 find fault with the game’s co-op mode. They’ve encountered numerous issues, such as workbenches failing to function for the second player.

Personally, I’ve yet to experience any such issues in the multiplayer mode. It’s a little laggier with multiple people connected to a single server, but not overly so currently.

If you’re keen on playing Drug Dealer Simulator 2, you’ll find it’s a complex and exciting game in single-player. But with a partner, it’s significantly more entertaining!

The Guide Hall hopes to build the greatest empire imaginable in Drug Dealer Simulator 2, though we’re primarily doing so solo with the rare co-op partner to help. We’ll have more from Isla Sombra before you know it!