Ghost of Tsushima Traveler's Attire
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Ghost of Tsushima: How to Get Your Pre-Order Bonus Items

Yes, I know. “Don’t pre-order games.” But sometimes you just know you’re going to buy and play an upcoming release, so spending money that’s already tied to the game, especially to unlock additional items or cosmetics, feels so damn good. If you’re one of the many who pre-ordered the game, here is how to get your pre-order bonus items in Ghost of Tsushima!

Where to Get Your Pre-Order Items in Ghost of Tsushima

To access and equip your pre-order items in Ghost of Tsushima, pause the game to access the menu, then navigate to Gear. From here, scroll down to Outfit, and then choose the Traveler’s Attire from within the primary armor slot at the bottom of the list.

Ghost of Tsushima Gear Menu
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Alongside the Traveler’s Attire, you should also have the Hero of Tsushima Armor, the Hero of Tsushima Helmet, the Hero of Tsushima Mask, and the White Headband. I’m partial to the White Headband, Broken Armor, and Hero of Tsushima Mask combination.

Related: How to Use Photo Mode in Ghost of Tsushima

Are the Ghost of Tsushima Pre-Order Items Pay-to-Win?

If you were one to pre-order Ghost of Tsushima, you received the Traveler’s Attire, a unique armor set that grants a few different buffs, including:

  • Track Artifacts with Guiding Wind
  • Traveling clears 10% more fog of war
  • A green firefly appears within 30m of an Artifact

Furthermore, you can upgrade the Traveler’s Attire to increase its buffs significantly throughout the game. But that’s not all. You also receive a unique mount to choose from at the stable during the game’s prologue. It doesn’t appear any better or worse than any other mounts in the game; it just has a unique color scheme.

So, the armor is certainly pay-to-win, but the mount, not so much.

The Guide Hall continues exploring the lands of Ghost of Tsushima in search of unique armor sets and swords. We’ll have in-depth guides for you before long!