Fallen Aces Vending Machine
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Fallen Aces: Tips and Tricks for First Timers

If you have any experience with immersive sims, you’ll find yourself thrust into Fallen Aces without much issue. But for those new to the genre, those who saw Fallen Aces launch on Steam and thought it looked unique and fantastic, a helping hand goes a long way. Here are a few tips and tricks for Fallen Aces!

Tips and Tricks for Fallen Aces

Don’t Forget to Quicksave

To quicksave in Fallen Aces, hit ‘F6‘ on your keyboard. You’ll want to save frequently, as an untimely death means restarting the entire level again. You risk losing a lot of progress, so avoid the problem by learning to hit that quicksave before significant story beats and after completing a particularly challenging encounter, such as a fight or puzzle.

Heal Frequently

Fallen Aces Medicine Cabinet
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Despite its artsy aesthetic, Fallen Aces’ combat proves challenging. You’ll take a few licks in combat, and your health depletes rapidly as you learn the game and make mistakes. As such, learn how to heal, where to find healing items, and when to use them for maximum effect.

When you first start the game, you do so at 60/100 health. You need to find something before the game’s first fight. You’ll find Painkillers in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and a bunch of food and soda in the refrigerator. The food alone is enough to refill your health completely!

Don’t Rush Greatness

They say you can’t rush greatness. Well, that’s entirely true in Fallen Aces. Every puzzle, every combat encounter, offers you multiple paths forward. You’re liable to take a beating if you rush in headlong without a plan. Instead, take your time. You should scope out the area before moving, explore every potential route in and around your objective, and then use the best tools to give yourself the advantage.

Fallen Aces Stealth Takedown
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

For instance, if you spot an enemy near a railing, give them a swift kick to the backside to eliminate your foe before anyone knows you’re there.

Stealth is Viable

Fallen Aces Vent Stealth
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

As an immersive sim, Fallen Aces offers numerous methods to complete even minor encounters. You can go balls-out and start whopping on enemies with a baseball bat or stealth around challenging encounters.

Furthermore, you’ll find the occasional secret path around locked doors and other obstacles in the form of accessible air vents. Remove the grate, climb inside, and sneak past a checkpoint or guard, with them none the wiser!

Learn to Block

Fallen Aces Block
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

I can’t begin to tell you the number of times I foolishly rushed into combat with reckless abandon. I restarted multiple times, unfortunately. But that’s my fault, and hopefully, I can teach one player not to follow in my footsteps.

The game will teach you how to block by holding down right-click on your mouse. It’s straightforward and intuitive. However, as I did, many players will read this and immediately deposit it in their internal trash bin. Don’t! Learn how to block incoming attacks properly to reduce the damage you take!

The Guide Hall can’t wait to dive into Fallen Aces further and explore this unique world from every angle. We’ll have new guides to help you soon!