Fallen Aces Bathroom Cabinet
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Fallen Aces: How to Heal

Before you gain a firm grasp on the combat mechanics in Fallen Aces, you’ll earn a few scrapes and bruises in the mob-ridden world. But if you want to live to unravel the mystery surrounding your attack, it’s time to learn how to heal in Fallen Aces. We’ll help!

How to Heal Yourself in Fallen Aces

I quickly learned while playing Fallen Aces for the first time that, for starters, the game is challenging if you’re not calmly approaching situations and using your noggin to think ahead. You’re in for a tough time if you rush in fist-swingings or guns-blazing.

You must learn how to heal in Fallen Aces, and you can do so by acquiring various aid items, like bottles of Painkillers. Alternatively, you’ll occasionally find bits of food and the odd drink lying around the environment. You can consume these items to restore a small amount of health, but it’s not much. Consumables, like food and soda, work in a pinch. You want to track down Painkillers, though!

Related: Tips and Tricks for First-Timers in Fallen Aces

Where to Find Healing Items in Fallen Aces

Fallen Aces Refrigerator
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

You can find healing items in Fallen Aces scattered about the environment, for the most part. Items like food and drinks will spawn on tables and in kitchens, and there are occasional vending machines that you may interact with. They charge a few dollars per item, which you’ll acquire by looting, and will dispense a single item in exchange.

But if you want better healing items, use your head. This is an immersive sim through-and-through, which means you’re liable to find healing items in medicine cabinets and clinics, not just sitting on a table somewhere. Though, that’s likely sometimes, too. After all, this is a crime-riddled environment!

The Guide Hall learned its lesson in Fallen Aces; you can’t rush into combat! We’ll have more guides from the immersive sim shortly!