Drug Dealer Simulator 2 General Store
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Drug Dealer Simulator 2: Where to Get Soda

During your time with Drug Dealer Simulator 2, you’ll track down and use countless unique crafting ingredients to fulfill various orders and turn a profit in Isla Sombra. One of the most elusive crafting ingredients in the game, however, is Soda. It’s an essential item for producing high-end products, and here is where to get Soda in Drug Dealer Simulator 2!

How to Get Soda in Drug Dealer Simulator 2

I hope you weren’t like me and shopping at the various General Stores in Drug Dealer Simulator 2 in search of bottles of sugary goodness. I genuinely thought I needed a cold drink, but no, it’s just a packet of Soda—an innocuous crafting ingredient.

Drug Dealer Simulator 2 Callejon Island
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Anyway, to get Soda in Drug Dealer Simulator 2, the best luck I’ve had was stopping by the General Store on the third discoverable island—Callejon. You’ll find a Packet of Soda at the General Store just off the eastern beach.

Related: How to Make Cookies in Drug Dealer Simulator 2

Why You Need Soda

For now, you only need a Packet of Soda to craft cookies. They’re grandma’s biscuits recipe with an additional punch and a slightly grassy aftertaste, but your clients love them and want more.

More often than not, the request for cookies stems from a Special Order. They’ll ask for a bunch, and you’ll don your white apron and deliver a plate full of product that earns you many thousands of dollars in-game. It’s a sweet gig…literally!

The Guide Hall continues to delve deeper into the underground world of Drug Dealer Simulator 2. We hope you’re enjoying the game as much as we are. Don’t worry—we’ll have more guides soon!