Black Myth: Wukong Tiger Boss
Image via Game Science

Is Black Myth: Wukong a Soulslike? – Answered

As humans, we love to categorize everything. Everything must fit snuggly into a specific category of similar media, but sometimes that’s impossible. Take, for example, the recent Soulslike craze. It’s everywhere. But is Black Myth: Wukong a Soulslike?

Is Black Myth: Wukong a Soulslike Game?

If you watch any available Black Myth: Wukong gameplay, you’ll note the apparent Soulslike influence. It features all the usual tropes, including dodge-rolls, I-frames, parrying and staggering, and, of course, the staggeringly massive boss enemies with unique yet cramped arenas.

That said, Black Myth: Wukong isn’t a traditional Soulslike. Sure, it borrows elements, but those who have played liken it to God of War. It’s more action-oriented while still providing a challenge. For instance, your light attacks strike swiftly and hard, dealing severe damage with each hit.

Related: Is Black Myth: Wukong Coming to Xbox Series X|S? – Answered

How Hard is Black Myth: Wukong?

While we cannot confirm this information yet for ourselves, we’ve heard the game features various difficulty settings to increase or lower the challenge in the game. Furthermore, as you progress and slay enemies, you’ll level up and become increasingly more robust yourself.

Unlike in your typical Soulslike, you don’t lose your experience when you die. You will lose half of any currency you’ve gained, but supposedly, you don’t use said currency to level up. You’re never at risk of becoming weaker.

With the God of War comparisons, we suspect Black Myth: Wukong will be challenging yet satisfying—a perfect entry point to the demanding genre.

The Guide Hall is looking forward to jumping into the frantic gameplay of Black Myth: Wukong on release day. We’ll have guides for you then!