World of Warcraft Blood Elf
Image viz Blizzard Entertainment

Should You Use a Level Boost in World of Warcraft? – Answered

As someone who started playing World of Warcraft in 2010, with the release of Cataclysm, I have spent countless hundreds of hours leveling characters in Azeroth. Not everyone has the same experience, however. They’re just starting the journey into the world’s most significant MMORPG today, and as such, most find themselves behind. With that in mind, should you use a level boost in World of Warcraft?

What is a Level Boost in World of Warcraft?

A level boost in World of Warcraft does precisely what the name implies. It boosts your character’s level from anything to level 70—the game’s current max level. That said, it’s an expensive option to save time. A single Enhanced Level 70 Character Boost on the Blizzard Shop costs $60.00, more than an expansion. However, paying for this service will save you tens of hours or even over one hundred hours of grinding.

There’s currently an ongoing deal, the Welcome to Azeroth Bundle, which includes:

  • World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
  • Level 60 Character Boost
  • 60 Days of Game Time

It’s available for $24.99, and I must say, it’s a worthwhile deal. I already own Dragonflight, but I’m tempted to grab the bundle for the other two items. But if you don’t own World of Warcraft yet, this is a must-buy!

Related: What’s Included in the Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Editions? – Answered

Should You Use a Level Boost?

I don’t recommend using a level boost in World of Warcraft. It’s a wasted experience overall. Unless you have numerous high-level characters that you’ve spent the past few years levels, and now you want to start an alt, or perhaps you have a friend group in the end-game, and you want to catch up, it’s best not to use a level boost.

Why? Because you miss out on the overall experience. A big part of the appeal of World of Warcraft is in its journey. You’re setting out from humble beginnings—usually a tiny village or campsite—and exploring the world, shaping it through your actions and deeds. Plus, there’s so much lore to uncover. It would be a shame to miss out on decades of world-building!

Furthermore, a level boost only saves you approximately two weeks nowadays. To some, that’s worthwhile; to others, not so much!

The Guide Hall doesn’t have nearly as much time to play World of Warcraft, but it will always remain a favorite MMORPG. Hopefully, in the near future, we’ll have more guides for you!