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Our Nintendo Direct Predictions (June 2024)

With the June Nintendo Direct imminent, now is an excellent time to discuss some of my predictions for the upcoming Direct. Much of Nintendo’s lineup for this year remains a mystery, and this Direct will likely give us the remaining pieces to the puzzle. Now, it’s just a matter of what those pieces will look like.

Before I start making predictions, there are a few things to note. Firstly, I will not discuss games that have been outright confirmed or likely confirmed for the Direct since there’s not much to predict with those. Secondly, I won’t be discussing any third-party games. We’re just sticking to first-party titles in this article. Finally, this isn’t a comprehensive list of all my predictions, just a tiny assortment.

Now with that out of the way, let’s get to the predictions.

Metroid Prime 2 and Metroid Prime 3 Remastered

Image via Nintendo

Ever since Metroid Prime Remastered was released last year, many fans have wondered when Prime 2 and Prime 3 will be remastered. It only makes sense that Nintendo would remaster the entire series in the buildup to Metroid Prime 4, and now would be the perfect time for them to finally release these remasters.

There are two ways Nintendo could go about announcing and releasing Prime 2 and 3. One possibility is that they could announce and shadow-drop Prime 2 the day of the Direct, then release Prime 3 in either August or September. The other possibility is that Nintendo slates Prime 2 for August or September, then announces a release window of early 2025 for Prime 3, which would likely come out in January or February. This would help fill in their lineup and would finally give us the complete prime collection on Switch leading up to the release of Prime 4.

Speaking of Prime 4, we likely won’t see it at this Direct. With the release of the Switch 2 drawing near, it stands to reason that Nintendo would save Prime 4 as a launch title, as it is a game that has been long anticipated by fans. I could see it being a dual release on both the Switch and the Switch 2, but we won’t be seeing it at this Direct.

FE4 Remake

Image via Nintendo

Continuing down the remake/remaster train, there is a decent possibility that we will finally see the announcement of a remake of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Genealogy is the fourth game in the Fire Emblem series released on the Super Famicom in 1996. A remake for the game has been speculated since the release of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia in 2017, as it is the next game in the series that has yet to be remade. With the Switch nearing the end of its run, now would be the perfect time to release this long-awaited remake.

There have been rumors that suggest the release of the game will be sooner rather than later. According to a leak containing information from Emily Rogers, a notable insider who has made several credible leaks, states that a remake of Genealogy is in development. While parts of this leak did contain accurate information, it’s best always to take leaks like these with a grain of salt. We don’t know the person who posted this information, so we can’t verify the source’s credibility. That said, I do still believe that we will see Genealogy at this Direct as it would fit in with the other remakes and remasters that Nintendo has been pushing towards the end of the Switch’s run.

Related: Why Nintendo Needs to Make More Games Like NWC

New Mario Party

Image via Nintendo

Considering that it’s been nearly three years since the release of Mario Party Superstars, I think it’s high time for Nintendo to release a new Mario Party. This would likely be a November title, coming out just in time for the Black Friday season. It also makes sense that Nintendo would reveal a new Mario Party following the numerous Mario games they’ve released in the past year.

On top of this, a tweet from the leaker Midori’s now-defunct Twitter account revealed the codename for a new Nintendo game. The codename Banquet is very similar to the codename used for Super Mario Party, which was Buffet. So it stands to reason that this game could be a Super Mario Party 2. Once again, though, take these rumors with a grain of salt. Still, I think a new Mario Party has a decent chance of being shown at this Direct.

Other Predictions

Luigi’s Mansion Port:

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD will likely be featured at the Direct, and with it we could see the announcement of the original Luigi’s Mansion being ported to Switch. While I don’t think it’s as likely as my other predictions, I think we could see Nintendo shadow-drop this game after the Direct. While it would be nice to see Nintendo port the 3DS remake to Switch, I think that a port of the original is more likely.

Tomodachi Life Remaster:

This is more of a game that I would like to see announced, but I still think there is a chance for it to be shown at the Direct. Ever since the release of Miitopia on Switch in 2021, fans have speculated about the possible release of a Tomodachi Life remaster. With Switch 2 on the horizon, now is probably the time for Nintendo to get this game on Switch finally.

Kid Icarus Uprising Remake:

This is probably the least likely prediction on this list, but I think there’s a slim chance we’ll see a Kid Icarus: Uprising remake at the Direct. Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of Uprising, has announced that his YouTube channel will be coming to an end in 2024. While this may not mean much, he may be working on another game. There are many possibilities for what this game could be, but I think a remake of Uprising would be a great way to send off the Switch.

Those are all of my significant predictions for the Direct. Once again, take the information in this article with a grain of salt. We won’t know what will be at the Direct until it happens. All of these games could be there, some of them could be there, or none of them could be there. There’s a lot of uncertainty with Nintendo this year, but I’m excited to see what they have in store at the Direct.

The Guide Hall can’t wait to dive in and explore everything Nintendo has on the way. In the meantime, we recommend checking out the 5 Best Games of 2023!