The Sims 4 loading screen
Image via EA

The Sims 4: Ultimate Cheat Guide

The Sims 4 is a simple game where players can express their creativity and participate in fun challenges. However, some of the game’s limits can make it overwhelming or frustrating, so here is an ultimate cheat guide for The Sims 4 that can make gameplay a little easier.

How to Use Cheats on PC

Before you get into playing with any sort of cheats, the first step is to turn them on, which you can do by:

  1. Hold down Ctrl+Shift+C
  2. A little bar will pop up in the upper left-hand corner
    • In this bar, type ‘testingcheats on’
  3. If at any time you are done with the bar, you can hit ESC to make it go away

How to Use Cheats on Console

If your console has a mouse and keyboard setup, you will use the same controls as the PC. However, if you don’t have this, you can still use cheats on a console.

  1. To pull up the prompt menu, hold down all four shoulder buttons
  2. Type in ‘testingcheats on’
  3. To close the menu, hold down all four shoulder buttons again

Note: All cheat prompts will be the same for every device!

Now that you have cheats enabled, it’s time to start using them.

Build Mode Cheats

  1. Resize objects
    • On PC: Use the brackets. The closed bracket will make an item smaller, and an open bracket will make it bigger
    • On Console: Hold down the left and right triggers and use up on the D-pad to make items bigger and down to make them smaller
  2. To be able to build anywhere
    • bb.enablefreebuild
  3. Unlock all career rewards in Buy Mode
    • bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
  4. Place items without the gridlock
    • bb.moveobjects
  5. Reveal small objects that aren’t usually available for purchase, such as clutter and scenery
    • bb.showhiddenobjects
  6. Unlock more environment options
    • bb.showliveeditobjects 

Live Mode Cheats

  1. Completes current aspiration milestone
    • aspirations.complete_current_milestone
  2. Unlock the entire Create-a-Sim menu after creating your sim
    • cas.fulleditmode
    • Afterward, you can enter CAS immediately by shift and right-clicking, or holding Circle and X on PlayStation and holding B and A on Xbox, on the sim instead of using a mirror or dresser
  3. Enable or disable death
    • death.toggle true/false
    • Typing true to enable death and false to disable it

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Money Cheats

  1. Enable or disable bills
    • household.autopay_bills true/false
  2. Make all homes free; this cheat has to be entered in Live Mode
    • freerealestate on
  3. Add 1,000 simoleons
    • kaching or rosebud
  4. Set your household income to a specific number
    • money x
    • For example, “money 5000”
  5. Add 50,000 simoleons
    • motherlode

Career Cheats

  1. Demote the selected sim in their career
    • careers.demote x
    • Example, “careers.demote athlete”
  2. Promote the selected sim in their career
    • careers.promote x
    • Example, “careers.promote athlete”
  3. The selected sim abandons their current career
    • careers.remove_career x
    • Example, “careers.remove_career athlete”

Quality of Life Cheats

  1. Reset a stuck sim
    • resetSim [first name][last name]
    • Example: “resetSim John Smith”
    • You can also do this by shift-clicking the sim
  2. Fill all needs for selected sim
    • sims.fill_all_commodities
    • This can also be done by shift-clicking the sim
  3. Give satisfaction points to the selected sim
    • sims.give_satisfaction_points x
    • Example: “sims.give_satisfaction_points 50”
  4. Remove selected sim’s moodlets and give them a neutral mood
    • sims.remove_all_buffs
  5. Fills needs for all sims in the household
    • stats.fill_all_commodities_household
  6. To turn off plumbobs and anything else that hovers over the Sims
    • headlineeffects off
    • To turn them back on, replace off with on

The Guide Hall considers The Sims 4 to be one of the ultimate cozy games available today and one we recommend to new gamers interested in the genre. We’ll have new The Sims 4 guides for you soon!