RimWorld Butcher Table
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

RimWorld: How to Make Kibble

Animal husbandry is an excellent way to sustain your colony in RimWorld and provide enough food to feed the masses. You can build a pen, raise livestock, and feed them adequately to, in turn, feed your Pawns. Here is how to make Kibble in RimWorld—an essential food item for animals.

How to Make Kibble in RimWorld

To craft Kibble in RimWorld, you must first place down either a Butcher Spot or Butcher Table. I recommend the latter as soon as possible, as using a Butcher Spot reduces the total amount of Kibble you craft. It’s 50 Kibble at a Butcher Table and 35 Kibble at a Butcher Spot.

Once your workbench is in place, you must use one unit of vegetarian nutrition and one unit of meat or animal product nutrition. For example, combining potatoes with goose meat to create Kibble requires 20 of each to produce 50 Kibble.

RimWorld Kibble Ingredients
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

While technically designed to feed animals in pens—and your favorite pet that sleeps by the bed—Pawns may also eat Kibble. They don’t want to, but they can in a pinch. If you’re starving and dealing with malnutrition, as I was in my most recent playthrough following a drought and widespread fires, Kibble will suffice. However, a Pawn eating Kibble will deal with the negative mood penalty of -12 “Ate Kibble.”

Related: How to Succeed in the Early Game in RimWorld

What You Must Know About Kibble

RimWorld Kibble
Screenshot by The Guide Hall
Value: 1.1 Silver
Stack Limit:75
Mass:0.015 kg
Deterioration Rate:6
Work Requirements: 450 Ticks (7.5 Seconds)
Work Speed Stat:Cooking
Resources:1 Nutrition (Vegetable)/1 Nutrition (Meat)
Production Amount:50
  • You can use Kibble during animal training.
  • Kibble does not spoil, so there is no need to store any inside a refrigerator.
  • You may use human meat or insect meat to craft Kibble.
  • Kibble’s 0.05 nutrition prevents overeating.

The Guide Hall once fed Kibble to Colonists in RimWorld, but no one enjoyed that. We’ll have new guides to help you survive on the rim shortly!