Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Haunted Towers
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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD: How To Find Every Emerald In Haunted Towers

As we move on to Haunted Towers, there are even more gems to collect. There are hidden Emeralds in Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD located all throughout the towers, and in this article, we will show where you can find each one of them.

We’ll be organizing this guide by the first mission in which each gem can be found. Some missions contain multiple gems. There are also some special missions where a majority of the gems can be found. For this article, however, we will be going by the gems’ first appearance.

B-1 Emeralds

Emerald 1:

Once you reach the Tower Lobby, head towards the stairs. Walk behind the stairs, right where the valve is, and collect the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 1 Location
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Emerald 2:

Once you reach the Laboratory, use the balloon plant on the right side of the room to fly up to the Lounge.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 2 Balloon Plant
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Walk across the Lounge until you reach a gap.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 2 Ledge
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Fall down the gap and walk to the left. You should fall into the test tube that contains the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 2 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

B-2 Emeralds

Emerald 3:

Make your way to the Garden. Cut down the hedge and defeat the ghosts there. Then, grab one of the buckets and fill it with water.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 3 Bucket
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Once it’s filled, bring the bucket down to the plant and water it. Once the plant is grown, use your strobe light to free the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 3 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 4:

This Emerald is quite similar to the last. Head up to the Botany Lab and grab the bucket on the floor. Take the bucket over to the bottom left of the lab. Place the bucket under the pipe and use your strobe light to activate the machine. This will cause the pipe to briefly drop water, which will fill the bucket.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 4 Machine
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Head up towards the plants and water the one on the right. Then, use your strobe light again to open the plant up, giving you the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 4 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 5:

Once you climb the Seeding Laboratory, capture all the ghosts. Then, use the device in the middle to aim at the plants at the back of the room.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 5 Seeding Laboratory
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

A mouse will run by carrying the Emerald. Shoot it to obtain the gem.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 5 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 6:

Head back to the Tower Lobby. Go up the stairs, and use your blacklight to reveal a hidden set of pipes.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 6 Hidden Pipe
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Go back down the stairs and reveal a hidden door on the blank wall beside the door to the Greenhouse.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 6 Hidden Door
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Once you enter the door, wait for the plant to grow so that you can grab the spiky ball. Aim it at the venus fly trap to defeat it. Once defeated, open the chest to obtain the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 6 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Related: Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD: How To Find Every Amethyst In Gloomy Manor

B-3 Emeralds

Emerald 7:

Once you drop into the water, take one of the cobwebs and set it on fire.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 7 Cobweb
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Walk over to the left and remove the webs in your way. Then grab the bucket.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 7 Bucket
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Take it through the water and head over to the right. Water the plant and use your strobe light. It will spit out the Emerald, allowing you to collect it.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 7 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 8:

Continue on to the Old Graveyard. Once you’re dropped out of the statue, keep walking until you pass the crow. Then look up, and you’ll see the Emerald. Use your vacuum to suck it down and collect it.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 8 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

A-4 Emeralds

Emerald 9:

Head back to the Skybridge. Instead of the crows that were there before, there will be three flowers that will try to attack you. Dodge the attack and suck them up. Once all three have been sucked up, the Emerald will drop down, and you can collect it.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 9 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 10:

Head up to the Rumpus Room and defeat the ghosts there. Then, begin walking counter-clockwise around the doll. Her head will start to unscrew and, once it comes off, will reveal the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 10 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 11:

Right as you enter the Solarium, head towards the table with chairs. Use your blacklight to reveal a chest that contains the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 11 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 12:

Go back to the Conservatory and grab one of the balloon plants. Use it to fly up the Conservatory. Ignore the left side and head to the top right platform.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 12 Flying
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Use your blacklight on the blank wall. This will reveal a hidden door that will lead to a red coin challenge.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 12 Hidden Door
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Once you complete the challenge, you will receive the Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 12 Red Coin Challenge
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Emerald 13:

The final Emerald in Haunted Towers is located in the West Bathroom. Once you clear the ghosts in the room, head towards the toilets. Use your vacuum on the roll of toilet paper to uncover the final Emerald.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Emerald 13 Location
Screenshot by The Guide Hall


Your reward for collecting every Emerald is a special statue of Luigi, which can be viewed in the Gallery.

Luigi's Mansion 2 HD Haunted Towers Gallery Reward
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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is available now on Nintendo Switch!

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