Drug Dealer Simulator 2 Simple Stove
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Drug Dealer Simulator 2: How to Make Cookies

As you progress deeper into the storyline, unlocking additional cooking and crafting recipes, someone will inevitably ask you to make them a batch of funny cookies. It’s a unique item that’ll earn you a lot of money and reputation. Here is how to make cookies in Drug Dealer Simulator 2!

How to Craft Cookies in Drug Dealer Simulator 2

To craft cookies in Drug Dealer Simulator 2, construct a Kitchen Stove with Oven in your hideout. There’s one available to you in the bunker on the starting island, but we recommend branching out on your own. It’s more fun that way!

Once you have the workbench, you must source all your ingredients, which can be quite a task. Most you’ll find at the General Store or Mini-Market. For instance, soda may give you the most trouble, but you can find some at the General Store on Callejon, the game’s third major island. For most cooking recipes, check the Mini-Market opposite the Pawn Shop, first and foremost!

In any case, you need:

  • 500g Flour
  • 400g Sugar
  • 100g Soda
  • 5g Cannabis
Drug Dealer Simulator 2 Cookies Recipe
Screenshot by The Guide Hall

Once you unpack your ingredients and in your Substance Storage, head to the Kitchen Stove with Oven to produce the cookies in batches!

Related: Where to Buy Seeds in Drug Dealer Simulator 2

Why You Need Cookies in Drug Dealer Simulator 2

While it’s entirely possible for quick orders via texts to request fun-sized cookies from your perfectly safe and clean hideout, most such orders will stem from Special Clients for Special Orders.

As such, it doesn’t make a ton of sense to keep a batch of cookies ready and waiting at all times, though you certainly can if you’ve progressed deep enough into the game and want something to do while you await your profits. For everyone else, purchase what you need once you receive the order, then head back to your hideout to cook!

The Guide Hall enjoys helping the citizens of Isla Sombra and you in Drug Dealer Simulator 2. We’ll have more guides to help answer your burning questions soon!