Once Human Environment
Image via Starry Studio

Do We Know the Once Human Release Date? – Answered

This summer should offer plenty of exciting releases to suck up our limited free time. One such upcoming title is Once Human—a survival shooter with otherworldly creatures to fight alongside our friends. Here is what we know about the Once Human release date!

When is Once Human Coming Out?

Thanks to the official trailer revealed at Summer Game Fest, we know that Once Human launches on July 9, 2024. We’re less than one month away from the time of this writing to dive into a strange, post-apocalyptic survival game from developer Starry Studio.

Based on the trailer’s gameplay, we’re in for an eccentric yet entertaining experience overall. There were mutations and monsters, a massive open world to explore on foot or motorcycle, melee and ranged combat, and massive boss-type enemies to fight alongside a small squad of teammates.

Overall, this one will take up much of our free time this summer!

Are you ready for the Once Human release date, or did something else around that time catch your interest?

Related: Do We Know the Slitterhead Release Date? – Answered

What is Once Human?

Once Human is an upcoming open-world multiplayer survival game set in the post-apocalypse in which unknown creatures, seemingly from another dimension, take over the land. You, alongside other players, will tackle missions, gather resources, and build your “territory” to fight back.

Alongside the unique game world, you’ll be able to customize your character, base, and weapons, with over 100 weapon blueprints to unlock and craft.

If done right, Once Human should be a survival gamer’s dream come true! We’ll have to wait and see when the demo goes live on June 9!

The Guide Hall is watching Once Human closely with keen interest. We’ll dive into the limited-time demo to see what this one is all about!